What are grass mats?

Grass mats are widely used as a ground protection solution. They are made from partially recycled rubber and are used in a variety of settings including: golf courses, playgrounds, home gyms, festival walkways and around stables.

Grass mats require minimal ground preparation, making them easy to install in various settings. Rubber grass mats ensure that the ground is still walkable in harsh weather conditions without the risk of getting too muddy. The rubber mats also protect the grass itself by allowing it to grow through the holes, meaning you can save time in re-planting and re-growing your grass.

Grass mats VS crushed concrete

There is nothing worse than mud and very soft ground in gateways and turnout areas of horse paddocks. In the wetter months, it gets deeper, harder to walk through, and is generally unsafe.

Grass mats can be used as a mud control grid and if installed onto dry ground and given time to settle, can provide an easy solution to excess mud and allow grass to begin growing. They also help alleviate the issue of compacted soil by distributing weight more evenly.

Crushed concrete is another solution that is often used by equestrians for mud control in busy areas, used to provide a more stable gravel layer that is safer to be walked on. But is a grassmat or crushed concrete better for you?


There are two things to consider in terms of ground safety, both your own and that of your horse.

Grass mats provide security for both. Since they are made from rubber, they provide anti-slip properties in wet weather. Grass mats help in maintaining stability and a level walking surface, while also being solid underfoot to improve support and prevent sinking into deep mud.

Crushed concrete can also provide additional stability in comparison to mud, however it still moves underfoot, making injuries still a possibility. Another thing to be aware of is the quality of your crushed concrete, also know as crushed stone aggregate base – when used around animals it needs to ensure that there are no nails, glass or anything else that could be harmful to hooves.

Cost effective

Both grass mats and crushed concrete offer a cost effective mud solution. The difference itself comes down to the granular material.

Our grass mats are made from 70% recycled rubber and made to last. They are also easy to install and not too heavy – this means the installation area can simply be expanded with extra matting if a larger area needs to be covered as it can be installed by you.

Crushed concrete can also be cost effective, but the concrete needs to be good quality. The installation process is also a bit more costly as it is not as easy to deliver and often requires shovelling or dumping via a truck onto the area. This means if you need to add a few square foot then you’ll likely need to undergo this installation process again.


Grass mats appear to be rubber grids at a glance but can become almost invisible with time. The grid holes are used to allow grass to grow through and continue to be visible. This means that once the grass has time to grow through you’ll barely be able to see the matting. As it can seamlessly blend in, it means that you don’t lose the benefits of country living.

Crushed concrete sits on top of your grass and is a lot more noticeable than a grass mat – however if you don’t mind the appearance of gravel, then perhaps this is an option for you. You could argue that anything is better than sloppy, existing mud.

Not just a mud control solution

Where crushed concrete is used, it is also likely that a grass mat can also be used – they are our preferred solution to alleviate the textural ground issues that horse owners often face.

One of the main benefits of a grass mat is that they are able to be used in many places. Mats can be placed together and connected with zip ties or separately to protect whatever ground you need to protect. You’ll be able to cover large areas of ground with a grass mat, but also cut it down to size to put over smaller areas. Grass mats help create mud-free environments, making them ideal for paddocks, shelters, and dog run areas.

Your paddock or turnout area will see a large amount of foot traffic and ensuring that both you and the ground are protected is a huge benefit.


Grass mats are made using the highest quality rubber, which is great for providing traction, especially in rainy or icy conditions. They also provide protection against the slippy surface that is mud. As the mats protect the ground in high traffic areas, such as feeding areas or walkways, mud is less likely to develop in large volumes and contribute to a slip hazard. Mud control grids, like grass mats, provide stable and safe surfaces for horses and other animals.

They also help with the joint and hoof health of your horses as the grass mat can act as a cushion underfoot. Matting acts as a shock absorption tool and reduces the risks of injuries that are contributed to by hard surfaces.

Grass Growth

Another key benefit of a grass mat is that they encourage grass growth. By protecting the ground in busy areas, the grass is more resilient and is less likely to be torn from the ground by hooves.

As there are holes in grass mats, grass is encouraged to grow through these holes. This also means that horses are still able to graze and often people find that their grass is thicker after the installation of a grass mat.

Protecting your environment in horse paddocks

Grass mats are non-disruptive to the look and feel of your space. If you cannot enjoy your environment, then what’s the point of being in it? Completely covering the grass in outdoor areas would be a shame and it’s completely unnecessary.

Another benefit of grass mats is that they are made using 30% recycled materials. Therefore you really are helping to protect the environment.


Our grassmats are hardwearing and a great solution for you and your horses. Our shipping options mean that you won’t be waiting long and our mats come with a 5 year guarantee against manufacturers defects! Discover our Grassmats.